Dadmin - The idea.
So, I don’t think I expected to launch a range of products and clothing based around a word I started using as a bit of fun, but stranger things have happened I guess.
A couple of years ago I was speaking with one of my friends on the phone. At the time I was a fairly new parent with a beautiful baby daughter. We were discussing arrangements to go to a football match. When it came to deciding a time I knew I had some jobs to get sorted first. The car boot was full of things for the dump. I had to put a new bed together which also involved climbing in an out of the loft. So I told my friend, “I’ll just meet you there, i’ve got a bit of Dadmin to sort first”
I thought it was quite quirky and fun so it became a bit of a tag to doing home jobs. As a Dad there is a sense of pride in doing "Dad Jobs' or a 'bit of Dadmin' whatever they may be.
I started to use the word now and again with friends and it always made me smile.
So how did this become a brand?
I’m a graphic designer by trade and me and my partner also run a few other side projects. One is a fantastic business that gives parents a platform to buy pre loved baby and toddler items. I’d been working on an e-commerce store for a client and learning lots of new skills. It got me thinking about how we could offer our current customer base some gift type products. A few ideas skipped through my head and the creative juices were flowing. I was thinking about creating some t-shirts and I mentioned to my other half. "I could do a Dadmin T-shirt, that would be fun” and that was it.
The more I thought about it, the more I felt that this word, this idea, had real potential. It’s a real celebration of those jobs, chores and activities that we all find ourselves having to do.
From then, the development process has been huge fun and a lot of hard work. Lots of coffee and plenty of late nights trying to fit in the normal busy design day job, the family and getting Dadmin off the ground. I wanted to make sure the quality of the products are of high quality and ones i'd wear myself.
I hope it's all well received and i’m looking forward to developing more Dadmin items going forward.
Now I have to mention one final thing. I KNOW that it’s not just Dads that do these jobs and we definitely don’t want to offend anyone. My other half loves a bit of Dadmin and she loves wearing the sweatshirts too.
Thanks for reading and remember if you buy some of the garments to “Wear with pride and take your Dadmin duties seriously."